Training Programs

Digi Cloud Tech Solutions trainings are aimed at enabling the trainees to be practically well versed (productive) & at the same time be familiar with Industry best practices & emerging trends. Training programs are constantly upgraded / refined to maintain sync with Industry requirements. Experienced & Certified technologists deliver the training sessions & mentor the trainees. Digi Cloud Tech Solutions Trainers combine technology expertise with cognitive understanding in ensuring each trainee is able to learn & apply complex technologies with relative ease..
Training programs are offered in different formats to cater to varied preferences of the target audience, namely,

Instructor Led Class Room Training

Normal track:
Traditional class-room based training where instructor leads the training through presentations & explanation. Normal track training involves typically 1.5 to 2hrs per day, 6 days a week, for a specified length of duration in days.

Fast track:
Fast track training would involve 3 to 4 hours of training per day for a duration approximately half of normal track batches

Weekend Training:
Training programs are conducted on Saturdays & Sundays for full day, usually 10am to 5pm, on focused technology / approaches / techniques by specialists in that area to present hands-on practically useful information to the participants
Online Training:
Virtual Class rooms where Trainer & Trainees assemble & interact in pursuit of knowledge & information. With the help of an online collaboration software, trainer shares presentations, present demo’s on the tools, share his desktop in allowing the participants to have a feel of the tools while simultaneously engaged in explanation of the concepts. This format of training is popular with overseas students.
Corporate Training:
Training programs designed / customised as per client organisation’s specific requirements & delivered usually at the client location.

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